Ms. Gail Sio

Ms. Gail Sio

Ms. Gail Sio

I am currently the vice-director of CISJ Nursery. 

Working in the education field is my goal. In 2019, I worked as a Teacher Assistant and administrative staff at an education centre in Macau. In the same year, I got the Maternity and Infant Care Certificate.

From my experience, I believe that each person’s personality and character can be affected by their childhood experience.

From the Chinese proverb, “Three years old, defined your eighty”, which means: “From the character and personality traits revealed by a three year old will draw his personality in adulthood”. Therefore I decided to extend my studies to the Early Childhood Education. I also read and learn in diverse ways about parenting methods for young children, nurturing a healthy child, nutrition and baby safety play.

To ensure that children grow up in a healthy, happy, safe environment, I also obtained internationally recognised first aid and food safety certificates in 2020 and 2021.  In 2022, I graduated from USJ, PGDE (Infant education). Now I am taking my Master’s course about Childhood Development.